From Spinning Lures to Flies – Fall Is All About Trout Fishing
It is that time of year again to catch trout. Breath is misting in the morning cold. Pumpkins are appearing on porches. And lakes, streams, and rivers are full of trout just waiting to be caught. Let the trout fishing begin.
While Fall may mean pumpkin spice everything to most Americans, for anglers it means Norman Rockwell images of hip waders and hand tied flies.
Because trout require more oxygen than many other types of fish, warmer waters – read lower oxygen levels – leave them sluggish and unwilling to feed. However, come colder fall waters and trout become active and hungry.
For the largest, most active trout, savvy anglers keep to the quickest moving streams and rivers, where temperatures remain colder, and trout are waiting to strike. If the water is too cold for a human, it is perfect for trout fishing.
Best Bug Lures
At this time of year, small bugs such as grasshoppers and beetles are in a frenzy to get in some mating before the first solid frost kills them. That means lots of bugs falling into rivers and lakes.
Look for spinning lures that match these land bugs and get ready. Trout are also increasing in activity, knowing plenty of fresh food is to be had.
- Rapala’s Blue Fox Vibrax is perfect for this time of year. Shiny, attractive, and built with brass spinners, this is a staple spinning lure for Fall trout.
- Another go-to lure, especially for deeper water, is the Panther Martin. Designed to create a sonic vibration in the water as its metal pieces strike each other, this lure combines looks with sound and movement.
- During the later part of Autumn, when more flies and ants are present, Joe’s Flies Short Striker makes a great transition lure. It is a spinning lure, complete with shiny gold parts, combined with a fly imitation.
- Joe’s Flies Short Striker is a great lure for Rainbow Trout. Since it is part spinner it can cast, but the light weight and imitation fly makes it ideal for fast moving waters that can drift and tumble it.

Switch It and Twitch It
As Autumn progresses, ants hatch, sprout wings, and start mating. They then fall into water ways and bring every trout around to the surface for a feeding frenzy.
Time to bring out the fly-fishing gear. While many fishers think the season has ended, experienced anglers know this is the best time to hit the rivers and streams.
Since drowning ants and flies have some movement to them, make sure to keep flies moving. Twitch that bait to keep it moving in the stream. This is especially important as more leaves fall into the currents, obscuring bait.
Trout will strike on movement, so keep those flies moving.
Best Fall Flies
Every year companies come out with new versions of their flies and 2021 is no different. Here’s a listing of some of this year’s best fall trout flies.
- Piscifun Dry: Extremely light weight and small, these are ideal flies for river fishing. Modelled after butterflies, these flies are bright, colorful, and will stand out. In addition, they are well made, durable, and will last for years.
- Flies Direct BH Prince Nymph: Rigged with two flies, a larger one on top and a smaller one weighted for six inches below the water, these crafty flies mimic the fly’s multiple life stages. The result is a highly attractive fly that can be used throughout the fall in both fast- and slow-moving water.
- Flies Direct Elk Hair Caddis Olive: This is the go-to dry fly for surface fishing. Sold in 12-piece sets, these flies have a reputation for the best colors, patterns, and attracting even the most evasive trout. Simply put, every fly kit should have some of these.

Thankful For Frost
Around Thanksgiving, most trout-filled waterways are experiencing their first frost. This is the time the last of the large bugs are hitting the water and trout are looking for their version of a Thanksgiving turkey.
Grasshopper rigs and black beetles marked with bright colors are irresistible to fat trout looking to get a little fatter for winter.
- The Rebel Crickhopper is widely known as effective, realistic, and ideal for top water fishing for trout. Some mid-range movements to mimic a grasshopper, well, hopping, and trout get there in a hurry.
- Trick Trout Grasshopper lure’s name says it all. This fall trout lure is designed specifically for trout. A slow retrieval will make it slide and glide along the surface, while slightly quicker movements will start it hopping.
No matter which lure is used, smart anglers know to use a long leader to avoid spooking, or even hitting, the fish. Try a 12, or even better a 15-foot, leader to keep trout from seeing the line on a shiny river surface.

Keep It Hidden. Keep It Safe.
Trout have excellent eyesight. For those wanting to catch them, especially the big ones, staying hidden is a key component.
Line should be low visibility and rarely more than four-pound test. Fluorocarbon lines, such as Berkley Trilene Sensation Monofilament line, are perfect for catching river trout.
Anglers should look for areas of shade, especially from trees, where the human form blends in better. The shade makes it more difficult for trout to make out an angler’s form.
With that in mind, clothing that blends into the background is also a basic requirement when targeting trout. Make sure waders and jackets are a match for the area, be that trees, embankments, or streams.
Savvy anglers wade slowly and always cast upstream to avoid these easily spooked fish. Remember, the cleaner and clearer the water, the greater the need to stay hidden.
Additionally, a sitting or squatting position from shore is a great way to keep a low profile of both fisher and rig.
Finally, keep to a hit and move strategy for later fall trout. Trout can easily spook from an area and move to another, so keep up with them by doing the same. Get more tips for fishing trout and check out some of the recommended tackle boxes. Trout fishing is exciting. Bring along some friends and make a lifetime of great memories.